December 19, 2012

A perfect party

What a great night at the Sheraton Iowa City on December 13. We celebrated the 10-year anniversary of the Iowa City Junior Service League by acknowledging some of our founding members, listening to an inspiring talk by Dr. Christine Grant, and recognizing Alison Amendola for her many contributions to ICJSL (more on this later.)

Thank you again to the Sheraton Iowa City for donating hors d'oeuvres and beverages.

November 28, 2012

Thank you Sheraton Hotel Iowa City!

We'd like to extend a sincere thank you to the Sheraton Hotel of Iowa City for donating hors d'oeuvres for our annual December social and 10-year anniversary celebration.

The event is scheduled for Thursday, December 13 from 7-9 p.m. at the Sheraton. It will be a fantastic opportunity to be educated and inspired. We hope that by celebrating our contributions to the community, we will raise awareness of our organization and increase membership.    
Dr. Christine Grant will give a talk at the event. She is former director of women's athletics at the University of Iowa and is considered a champion of Title IX, the 1972 law that banned gender discrimination in federally funded education programs. 

Reminder: this event is not a fundraiser. By vote of the membership, all members are required to purchase two tickets at $20 per ticket. The ticket will include one drink and light appetizers. There will be a cash bar. Contact Alison Amendola at: if you need to purchase tickets.

November 25, 2012

Making memories

A HUGE thank you to the photographers who helped us with our fall fundraiser, which raised $900 as of our November GMM.

Our photographers were: 
Minda Davison -
Mary Duncan -
Kellie Means
Amber Seaton

Thank you to all of you. You helped to make wonderful memories for those who participated. ICJSL is planning to continue this fundraiser in the spring and fall of 2013.

November 19, 2012

New Member Class Project: Project Linus

The new, 12-member ICJSL fall class selected Project Linus for their class project. Project Linus is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide warmth and security to children facing adversity. The class made more than 35 fleece tie blankets to contribute to children. 

Project Linus is currently in its fourth year at the University of Iowa Hospital and continues to grow. This year, the Project's goal was to make between 150-200 blankets to donate to pediatric patients at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital in November.

Through group efforts of the ICJSL and Project Linus, the class helped to ensure that the children at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital will be warm and comforted throughout the cold winter months ahead.

Good work, ladies!

November 17, 2012

UAY Teen Clothing Boutique - Donations & Volunteers Needed

United Action for Youth (UAY) is accepting donations of gently used teen clothing, shoes, accessories, and outerwear. Items can be donated at the UAY Youth Center, 355 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City, on the following collection dates:

- December 1st -10 am to 2 pm
- December 3rd - 9 am to 5 pm
- December 4th - 9 am to 5 pm

ICJSL members also can help by volunteering to work the boutique on December 5th. Contact if you are interested in volunteering.


November 13, 2012

10th Anniversary and Annual December Social

We're excited for our annual December social and 10-year anniversary celebration to be held on Thursday, December 13 from 7-9 p.m. at the Sheraton Iowa City Hotel. 

This is an exciting opportunity to be educated and inspired, all in one event. We hope that by celebrating our contributions to the community, we will raise awareness of our organization and increase membership.    
Dr. Christine Grant is secured to give an inspirational talk at the event. She is the former director of women's athletics at the University of Iowa and is considered a champion of Title IX, the 1972 law that banned gender discrimination in federally funded education programs. The program will start at 7:30 and will also include a short presentation of how we got started and what we have accomplished.

Reminder: this event is not a fundraiser. By vote of the membership, members are required to purchase two tickets at $20 per ticket. The ticket will include one drink and light appetizers. There will be a cash bar. (Tickets can be purchased at the GMM this Thursday.)

Invitations will be sent to all past members, prospective new members (we would be happy to include anyone you recommend), and nonprofit organizations that we have helped over the years and our major sponsors. We look forward to seeing you there; it's going to be a great evening!


November 8, 2012

November meeting

Just a reminder that the next regular meeting of the ICJSL is Thursday, November 15 at 7 p.m. at the University Athletic Club. If you can stay and socialize after the meeting, there are usually a few members who gather for dinner or a drink. It's a great way to get to know each other better.

April 25, 2012

President's Final Parcel

I would like to take this opportunity to tell everyone thank-you for letting me lead this group the last 2 years. I have enjoyed my 8 years with ICJSL and when I started never thought I would be president, especially not 2 years in a row. Because of this group, I have met many wonderful women who I probably would not have had contact with normally. I feel fortunate to have met and led so many amazing women. I will miss ICJSL and all the fun times we have had. I wish everyone good luck as the group continues forward doing great things for the community!


February 29, 2012

Board Meeting Location Change!

If anyone out there was planning to attend the board meeting this month to make up for missed general membership meetings, the meeting location has changed. Due to the fact I am in the middle of trying to sell my house, we are meeting this month at Share Wine Lounge in Downtown Iowa City. We will have a table reserved in the bar area. Feel free to join us if you need to make up a meeting or are just interested in seeing what goes on at the board meetings.


January 12, 2012

Roll Call at 7pm

We are going to start having roll call at the beginning of our meetings. We are doing this to help keep more accurate attendance records. We are also doing this so it is easier for all of us to put faces and names together. I think we have all felt like we know most of the members and then realize you don't know that person sitting down the row from you. The board felt this would be a great way to help everyone put faces and names together. Please be patient with us the first couple months as we go through this roll call. It shouldn't take too long. See you next Thursday!