December 29, 2010

DVIP: Souper Bowl

DVIP is preparing for their Annual Souper Bowl Fundraiser (Thursday, February 3rd) and they need bowls. Lots, and lots of bowls. Please consider using your creative abilities to make a bowl (cost $8, to be donated) at Fired Up (112 South Linn Street) on Saturday, January 8th. Or, just gather bowls to be donated! Thank you.

December 20, 2010

The Season of Giving

There are so many ways to celebrate the Holidays. And, one of the ways the members of Iowa City Junior Service League embrace the Season is throw donations and volunteer. Happy Holidays and a blessed New Year to all.

December 8, 2010

Don't Forget

It's the members-only Winter Social. See you tonight! Check your newsletter for details and your inbox for the Evite. Cheers and thank you for all your hard work and volunteer hours this year.

Happy Thanksgiving

Thank you to our wonderful members who volunteered their time, money, and food to provide a lovely meal to the families at the Ronald McDonald House on Thanksgiving.